How calculate tank wall thickness - practical machinist, I need to build a rectangle steel water storage tank 60"x72"x72". i'm looking for a simple way to calculate how thick of steel it should be built out of.. Measuring angles spicer parts, The anglemaster® can be used wherever there is a need for a precise measurement of angles and slopes. scientific research, appliance repair and installation. How calculate board feet: 13 steps ( pictures, How to calculate board feet. hardwood board is sold in random widths and lengths, so you will need to calculate the board footage of any hardwood you plan to purchase..
Compound angles - practical machinist, I teaching younger machinist compound angles. programmer spend 1/2 hour figuring compound angles . I just went through teaching a younger machinist about compound angles. Seems the co did not want programmer to spend 1/2 hour or so figuring compound angles on this Mycarpentry - woodworking projects basic carpentry, Mycarpentry - woodworking projects basic carpentry includes, stair calculator, deck house framing, easy woodworking projects.. myCarpentry - Woodworking Projects using Basic Carpentry includes, the best stair calculator, deck and house framing, and easy woodworking projects. Cove cutting table - woodworking -, Cove cutting table cutting occasional cove, feeding piece wood blade angle ideal .. Cove cutting on the table saw For cutting just the occasional cove, feeding a piece of wood over the saw blade at an angle is really the ideal way to go.